Safety Measures Adopted By Professional Car Washes

Safety for both the customers and employees is paramount in professional car washes with a reliable reputation like The Wash Tub. This isn’t surprising since an unsafe workplace will have higher costs and consequences than a safe environment, especially in a car wash where heavy equipment and chemicals are routinely used. By creating a culture of safety and ensuring a safe workplace, car wash owners and managers contribute to better profits.

Here are a few of the many ways that professional car washes ensure safety for you, their valued customers.

Safety Training as the Foundation

The best car washes train their employees from their first day of work. Many of them even provide intensive training for new employees before they step into the car wash facilities! The new hires will watch safety videos, attend safety classes with their supervisors, and observe the procedures before being sent to the field, so to speak.

But it isn’t just new hires that undergo safety training. The veterans on the job also attend safety classes, review safety issues, and perform other safety-related tasks. The combination of complacency on the job, changes in technology, and continuing challenges at work make it critical for both new hires and veterans to always be aware of safety in the workplace.

Work Setup for Safety

Customers may not immediately seen the safety measures in place. But upon closer observation, you will notice that, indeed, there are many standard practices that make a car wash safe for both customers and employees.

A few safety measures in place include:
  • The lights and cameras are well-maintained so that the car wash and its goings-on can be monitored.
  • The employees wear uniforms so that they can be easily seen and identified.
  • The staff handle the equipment and chemicals expertly with safety foremost in their minds. Proper gear should be worn, especially when handling chemicals.
  • The car wash has safety mechanisms in place in case of emergencies, such as fire. There are also signage that offer clear and simple directions, orange cones for controlling traffic flow, and staff members that guide customers on the property.

Of course, customers also have the responsibility for their own safety while in a car wash. You must, for example, get off your car once it’s in the wash chamber, if the staff says it’s a must. You should also avoid touching, much less handling, the equipment and chemicals in the car wash unless otherwise allowed (i.e., self-service).

Category: Top Car Wash

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